how to find your personal style & confidence
hi loves, welcome back! in this video, I talked about how to find your style. I define style as the way you want to dress and how you express yourself. I also dedicated the first section of the video to how to build your confidence. always remember that if other people can wear it, you can too! given that you are not harming yourself or others in that process :)
And yessss i saw how some of you guys wanted to see a graduation vlog. I didn't have enough content to film an entire vlog so I dedicated the last 3-4 minutes of this video to a mini graduation vlog. I hope you guys liked it.
I don't usually make outfits video since it's not usually the first thing that comes to my head when I want to make videos. I am well aware this video isn't an actual OUTFITS video (apologies if that's what you were expecting). But do let me know if you guys want to see my essentials, clothings I wear or creating outfits. I always like taking suggestions from you guys!
anyways thank you so much for watching. i also wanna know who actually reads my description lol. if you made it all the way here, comment a ๐ (octopus lol). anyways I love you all! Hopefully summer is officially starting for you guys! hopefully you all are doing well.
Next week's video will be a start of a new series: the healing diaries. I will upload episode 1 of the series and be explaining in the next video what this series is going to be about. in a quick explaination: journal entries but on a deeper and personal level on sensitive topics I don't share often. I consider journal entries to be more advice giving (although ofc I relate it back to myself). Healing diairies will be more of things I'm still struggling with or working on or sensitive topics I don't often talk about on the internet. I guess the differentiation between the two would also depend on how comfortable I feel about the topic. so yeahhhhh. ok anyways I'll see yall soon !!
business email:
instagram: via.ilyou
depop: viailyou
background music:
Music by ninjoi. - I Don't Want Your Love -
tags: #styleinspo #confidence #findingyourstyle #personalstyle
subcount: 73,621